The Crewe & Nantwich
Twinning Association

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Latest news

CANTA Latest information
CANTA is planning a visit to Mâcon from April 10th-17th 2025. See the information from the Chairman below.

Dear Canta member/friend,
Following discussions with counterparts in Macon earlier in the year, I have put together a suggested itinerary for a proposed visit which replicates in large part the very successful trip we made in conjunction with friends from Bischofsheim 6 or 7 years ago supported by the town of Macon & their twinning association.
I have made a provisional reservation with a local coach company (thanks to recommendation from Irene) in a very comfortable and well-equipped coach (WC, aircon & kitchen) and I now need to gauge any interest. As you can see the date proposed is 10-17 April next year. As soon as i have numbers I can reserve hotel rooms & finalise costs. (I need to confirm & pay a deposit with the coach company by 1 September at the latest) I would hope to fill seats with support also from French Circle, and other interested groups as having a full or near full coach keeps the cost down.
You will see that the visit will include travel, 7 nights accommodation, meals and visits ( which may vary according to availability). Single rooms would incur a supplement.
Please contact me asap if you have any questions or suggestions, and, most importantly, let me know by return if you would be interested in taking part
Participants would have to have own travel insurance & EHIC card.

For the programme click here

Twin towns news

Mâcon Visit
Whenever we have visited Mâcon the local twinning group have pulled out all the stops and if this visit goes ahead it should be no different.

The picture below is from the 2017 visit.